Restoration of a deteriorated industrial floor with Adegrout Traffic



Step 1

Damaged industrial floor that requires a rapid restoration with high strength.

Step 2

Mechanical removal of deteriorated concrete, oils, waxes and anything that may compromise product adhesion. Carry out these operations until you reach the substrate which is sound and with a rough surface.

Step 3

Careful removal of waste materials, vacuuming of dust and residues. It is important to work on a sound and perfectly prepared substrate, free of contaminants and materials from previous processes.

Step 4

Saturation of the substrate with water, and possible removal of stagnating excess water.

Step 5

Application by pouring of ADEGROUT TRAFFIC in the area to be restored, taking care not to incorporate air into the mix.

Step 6

The high performance of ADEGROUT TRAFFIC and the rapid setting of the product allow rapid intervention on very stressed floors.