Salt resistant grout for macro-porous de-humidifying renders based on lime and environmental-friendly pozzolana for restoring damp walls even in historical buildings. Very low VOC emissions (EC1…
Salt resistant grout for macro-porous de-humidifying renders based on lime and…
Levelling grout based on lime and environmental-friendly pozzolana, resistant to salts and transpiring, for fine white coat finishing of renders. Very low VOC emissions (EC1 plus). APPLICATION •…
Levelling grout based on lime and environmental-friendly pozzolana, resistant…
Levelling grout based on lime and environmental-friendly pozzolana, resistant to salts and transpiring, for fine finishing of renders. Very low VOC emissions (EC1 plus). APPLICATION • Levelling with…
Levelling grout based on lime and environmental-friendly pozzolana, resistant…
Bonding grout based on traditional lime to be applied before the restoration render ADESAN CALCE INTONACO APPLICATION Bonding coat for restoration renders ADESAN CALCE INTONACO on: • old and new…
Bonding grout based on traditional lime to be applied before the restoration…
De-humidifying pre-mixed render to be applied by hand or by machine for restoring damp walls and rendering of new walls. APPLICATION • Restoration of walls in bricks subject to rising damp •…
De-humidifying pre-mixed render to be applied by hand or by machine for…
Transpiring substrate render based on natural hydraulic lime (NHL) and environmental-friendly pozzolana. APPLICATION • Application by hand or by machine of new indoor and outdoor transpiring renders…
Transpiring substrate render based on natural hydraulic lime (NHL) and…
Single-layer plaster that combined dehumidifying and rendering functions in a single product. Very low VOC emissions (EC1 plus). APPLICATION • Restoration of indoor and outdoor brick, stone, tuff or…
Single-layer plaster that combined dehumidifying and rendering functions in a…
White water paint for walls based on synthetic resins for interiors, with high coverage capacity and white shade. APPLICATION Painting of new or old substrates made of cementitious, lime-based or…
White water paint for walls based on synthetic resins for interiors, with high…
Levelling grout based on hydraulic and aerial binders, for Adesan restoration renders. White coat finishing. APPLICATION • Finishing of traditional or pre-mixed Adesan renders with the "wet on wet"…
Levelling grout based on hydraulic and aerial binders, for Adesan restoration…